About me

Hi, I’m Camille.

I’m a Women’s Coach, Yoga and Meditation Facilitator, and Musician.

For so long, I lived stuck in the "Good-Girl Cage."

I was living the life I thought I needed to live.

Whilst on the outside everything seemed great, on the inside, I was riddled with anxiety, low self-worth, and feeling incredibly lost.

I was constantly trying to be someone I wasn’t. I was constantly looking for validation from the outside through prestigious jobs, uni degrees, over-giving tendencies, and unhealthy relationships.

But, in truth, I felt like I had no voice, no power, and no purpose in life. 

That's until I met incredible mentors that introduced me to life-changing tools to completely transform my life.  

So began a huge journey of undoing all the limiting patterns that didn't serve me, and instead, reconnect to my true light and power that had been with me all along (I was just so disconnect from it!). 


I’m now a Women's Mentor, Yoga & Meditation Teacher, and Musician. 

And I live life on my terms and at my own rhythm. I now have the confidence to share my voice and gifts with the world.

But I couldn't have done it all alone.

I was able to do this because of the incredible teachers and tools I learned along the way. 

And I'm here to share all of this wisdom with YOU. 

So that, you, too, can break out of your cage and step into your full potential.

Are you ready to join me? 

My Teachers

I am incredibly grateful for all my teachers and coaches - mostly notably Georgianna Lee, Meredith Rom, and Mark Breadner.

My Certifications

~ Way of the Priestess Path & Women's Circle Facilitation Training | Trained by Meredith Rom (2022)

~ Level 2 Reiki Certificate | Trained by The Heart of Living (2022)

~ Level 1 Reiki Certificate | Trained by Joanne and Steven Miller (2021)

~ 300 Hours Yoga Life Coach Training | Trained by Mark Breadner, Cristina Arango, and Ryan Barraclough (2021)

~ 50 Hours Body Coach Training | Trained by Mark Breadner (2020) 

~ 50 Hours Meditation Teacher Training | YogaCoach by Mark Breadner (2020)

~ 415 Hours Hatha Yoga Training | Qi Yoga trained by Mark O'Brien (2018)

~ Bachelor of Law combined with Bachelor of Arts (Public Communications) | University of Technology, Sydney (2016)

Contact Me

Contact me for any inquiries. I look forward to hearing from you.
